听歌学英语:你不适合我 Diet Mountain Dew

听歌学英语:你不适合我 Diet Mountain Dew

2014-08-12    10'50''

主播: 爱小听

2457 3

You're no good for me 你对我来说并不是那么好 Baby you're no good for me 宝贝,你并不适合我 You're no good for me 你不适合我 But baby I want you, I want 但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的 Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City 激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城 Never was there ever a girl so pretty 从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩 Do you think we'll be in love forever? 你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗? Do you think we'll be in love? 你认为我们真的会相爱吗? Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City 激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城 Can we hit it now low down and gritty 或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它 Do you think we'll be in love forever? 你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗? Do you think we'll be in love? 你觉得我们会相爱吗? Baby put on heart-shaped sunglasses 宝贝,戴上心形太阳镜吧 Cause we're gonna take a ride 因为我们将要踏上旅程 I'm not gonna listen to what the past says 我并没有打算顾及我们的过去 I been waiting up all night 我一直彻夜不眠 Take another drag turn me to ashes 不如把我拖入深渊化为灰烬吧 Ready for another lie 为下一个谎言做准备 Says he's gonna teach me just what fast is 他说要让我学会什么才是速度 Say it's gonna be alright 什么事儿也不会有 宝贝 Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City 激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城 Never was there ever a girl so pretty 从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩 Do you think we'll be in love forever? 你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗? Do you think we'll be in love? 你认为我们真的会相爱吗? Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City 激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城 Can we hit it now low down and gritty 或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它 Do you think we'll be in love forever? 你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗? Do you think we'll be in love? 你觉得我们会相爱吗? Let's take Jesus off the dashboard 撞上耶稣也不要紧 把他从仪表盘上抛开吧 Got enough on his mind 已经无法在接受他的想法 We both know just what we're here for 我们都清楚的知道我们留在这儿的理由 Saved too many times 只是大多数时候藏之心底 Maybe I like this roller coaster 也许我喜欢这过山车般的快感 Maybe it keeps me high 也许可一直让我们精神振奋 Maybe the speed it brings me closer 也许这速度给我满足感 I could sparkle up your eye 我可以使你眼冒金星 等着吧 Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City 激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城 Never was there ever a girl so pretty 从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩 Do you think we'll be in love forever? 你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗? Do you think we'll be in love? 你认为我们真的会相爱吗? Baby stopping at 7eleven 宝贝在711停下吧 There in his white pontiac heaven 那里有他白色的庞蒂亚克天堂 歌词:Can we hit it now low down and gritty? 我们能否坚韧不拔的攻下它? 1. Gritty 作形容词通常表示“勇敢的”,比如: He is a gritty and proud player. 他是个勇敢而充满荣誉感的球员。 2. Gritty去掉最后两个字母ty则是动词grit,表示“咬紧牙关”,固定搭配有grit one's teeth,举个例子: You have to grit your teeth and work hard. 你一定要咬紧牙关,努力工作。 3. 歌词中的短语low down在歌词中是褒义词,指压抑、忍住感情,原本可以表示“卑鄙的,轻蔑的”,比如说: That was a pretty low down trick to play! 玩弄那套伎俩真可耻! 歌词:Let's take Jesus off the dashboard 让我们把耶稣从仪表盘上抛开吧! 1. Dash作动词或名词呢表示“猛冲;猛掷”,有时候相当于rush,比如说: I must dash, I'm late. 我得赶紧走了,已经晚了。 稍微提一句,dash在标点符号中指破折号。 2. Board表示板子,比如说黑板就是blackboard,歌词中的dashboard指仪表盘。再来听一个例句: I braced my arms against the dashboard. 我把胳膊支在仪表盘上。 歌词:Maybe I like this roller coaster, maybe it keeps me high. 也许我喜欢过山车,也许它能一直让我们精神振奋。 我们通常玩的过山车就是Roller coaster,roller指的是滚筒、滚轴,coaster指小托盘或惯性运转装置;Roller coaster搭配起来就是过山车,坐过山车为:ride on roller coaster。 I want to ride on the roller coaster.我想坐过山车。 歌词:I could sparkle up your eye. 我能让你觉得双目一新。 1. Sparkle动词、名词都可以充当,表示“闪耀;(冒)火花”,例句: There was a sparkle of excitement in her eyes.=Her eyes were sparkling with excitement. 她眼里闪耀着激动的光芒。 2. Spark的形容词是sparkling,表示“闪闪发光的;闪烁的”。比如: I enjoy looking at her sparkling big eyes. 我喜欢看她那闪闪发光的大眼睛。 想获得更多资讯吗?教你两个方法哦! 1、加人人电台官方微信"人人听力网":renrentingli 2、加人人电台官方QQ“人人听力网”:840247028 期待您的加入!