听歌学英语:微笑 Smile

听歌学英语:微笑 Smile

2014-11-21    14'28''

主播: 爱小听

267 9

自VC的一首《微笑》,SMILE。节奏非常轻快,非常适合疲惫的时候听。Put a smile on your face, make the world a better place.笑一笑啦,笑一下,世界会因此更美好的。Stay polite even when you're hurting. Don't forget to smile.就算难过也要保持仪态,不要忘记微笑。特别积极向上的一首歌曲。哭着是一天、笑着也是一天,为什么不选择笑着过呢?笑多好啊,当你笑的时候,你给人的感觉是亲切的是可爱的。So,everybody, Smile! alright... 好啦 alright... 好啦 first of all 首先, When you wake up in the evening and the day is shot 晚上醒来的时候,这一天又浪费了 Find yourself complaining 'bout the thing you ain't got 发现自己在抱怨没有的东西 Never goes just the way that you wanted it to 生活好像从没按照自己想的那样 Cliche of the day, cest la vie that's just 又是老话重提:这就是生活 life, 生活 it ain't easy 不容易 it's so tough 很残酷 it ain't easy 不容易 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? and another thing 还有一件事 you can say that i'm a dreamer and you think it's uncool 你可以说我是个白日梦想家,你可以认为这样不行 preaching 'bout the better life i learned in school 祈祷可以过上上学时梦想的那种生活 but you get what you give in this life that we live 但是,你这一辈子,付出才有收获 and all that you do come back to you 做事都有全因后果/出来混是要还的 life, 生活 it ain't easy 不容易 it's so tough 很残酷 it ain't easy 不容易 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? yo, 哟, when things isn't right there's no need to fight 生活不愉快时,没必要抗争 come on be nice 快,友善一点 no need to fight 没必要打架 stay polite even when you're hurting don't forget to smile 就算难过也要注意礼节,不要忘记微笑 give love to our nation, big or small 爱自己的祖国,不论大小 when you do good you'll get your reward 做了好事会有回报的 united we stand, divided we fall 团结则存,分裂则亡。 put a smile on your face and greet one and all 用微笑跟所有人打招呼 life, 生活 it ain't easy 不容易 it's so tough 很残酷 it ain't easy 不容易 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? put a smile on your face 微笑吧 make the world a better place 让世界更美好一点 put a smile on your face 微笑吧 (whatchu wanna do, say whatchu gonna do)你能怎么办呢,你又能怎么办呢? people love you when you smile 你笑的话,人们会爱你的 and hate you when it's through 会恨你,当微笑消失 lots of happiness 无数快乐 we are wishing you 我们祝愿你 if you come from jamaica or honolulu, yeah 如果你来自牙买加或者火奴鲁鲁, keep a smile on your face 脸上挂上微笑 i'll see the good that you do 我会看到你的善行 smile (smile) 微笑吧 and everything will be fine.. 一切都会好起来的