

2015-03-19    08'22''

主播: 爱小听

47 4

Memories light the corners of my mind 回忆照亮我心中的角落 Misty water color memories of the way we were 那里珍藏着我们曾拥有的水彩般迷朦的日子 Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind 还有被我们抛弃在脑后的阵阵微笑 Smiles we gave to one another for the way we were 我们常相视而笑,因为我们一同拥有一段美好时光 Can't it be that it was all so simple then 是不是那时候一切都要简单些呢 Or has time rewritten every line 又或者,时间改写了一切 And if we had the chance to do it all again 如果能够有幸重来 Tell me would we, could we 告诉我,我们会,我们能够再重来吗? Memories maybe beautiful and yet 回忆是美好的,但是 What's too painful to remember 回忆起来却太痛苦 We simply choose to forget 所以索性选择遗忘吧 So it's the laughter, we will remember 只记住所有的欢笑 Whenever we remember the way we were 每当忆起往事 the way we were 往事