Sweet tea& God's grace——Taylorswift

Sweet tea& God's grace——Taylorswift

2016-07-07    03'35''

主播: NYC的折耳猫

10931 361

Tire swings,summer dreams, 疲惫的羽翼,夏日的迷梦 honeysuckle on the breeze, 微风里的金银花 Whistle County creek 密语中乡村里潺潺的小溪 Laying in the green grass, 躺在草地上 I was watching clouds pass 当我注视云卷云舒时 Baby, you were watching me 亲爱的,你在注视着我 Cold barn struck bed, everything you said slowly educating me 冰冷的床上,我回忆里所有你说过的话慢慢地使我深思 I never had a lesson so sweet 我从未有过如此甜蜜的一课 Autumn rain,window pane, looking how the leaves change 秋天的雨,窗扉的玻璃,我正看着这些叶子的变化 Just like the two of us 就像我们俩 Still got, your laugh, your ghost, your jacket 我依然拥有你的笑声,你的恶作剧,你的 jacketGuess I loved you way too much 愿我这样爱你 But I'm a little smarter, my heart's a little harder 虽然我会渐渐变得聪明,我的心也会渐渐坚硬 But it's still soft enough to cry 但是使我哭泣仍然很容易 Cause I remember those times 因为我记得那些时光 I remember 我记得 The sigh is just the other day 曾经那天天的暗示 All that I could think to say was they how have you been 我所能回忆到的只是以前的你 You gotta be with that road now 你现在已经走向了你自己的那条路 See this's really being around 看到这真是存在的周遭 Still think about back when 我依然想着回到 We used to get high on the first kiss 我们初吻的时候 We can get by with sweet tea and Jesus 我可以从蜜茶与上帝那得到的一切 And you can love like a sinner and lose like a winner 你却可以爱的如一位歌者,输的像一个赢家 Nothing's shatterproof 没有什么是不易破碎的 You can crash and burn and now I'm someone new 你可以燃烧一切破坏一切,但是现在的我却已经是另外一人 And that's what I learned from you 这就是我从你那里所学到的