[原创]Shy story

[原创]Shy story

2019-03-29    02'09''

主播: 日暮烟波·轩辕暖

66063 7

歌名:Shy story 词:J·Young Gujzee(日暮烟波,轩辕暖 译) 曲:日暮烟波·轩辕暖 Tell me.tell me you got my song. Tell me. you know it's for you. 跟我说,说你懂了我的歌, 告诉我,你知道它是给你的。 Tell me.tell me you got my heart and you know it's your own. 跟我说,说你是明白我的, 我的心只属于你一个。 Tell me.tell me you love me now. Tell me.tell me you think so . 跟我说,说你也正在爱我, 跟我说,你知道我是怎么想的。 Tell me you're going to plan on giving me a little more. 告诉我,你也打算好了, 会一点一点给我更多。 But you turned a blind eye from me as if I were a humble tree. 然而你,却对我视而不见, 好像我是棵不起眼的树。 But you walked back again to me. Invite me to go with you. 然而你,又向我走了过来, 邀我和你一起上路。 Suddenly, we couldn't say a word. Silently looking at each other. 一时间,我们都不说话了, 默默的互相看着。 At the point,as I was bashful , as you......a shy girl. 那一刻,我腼腆,你羞涩。
上一期: 一首老歌
下一期: 即兴,凡人歌