

2015-04-24    24'38''

主播: 林超人美式发音

1950 63

Lesson 80 Take me to the hospital带我去医院 Bob: Oh taxi! Taxi! 噢 出租车! 出租车! Oh T-A-X-I !!! 噢 出租车!!! Fish: Where to? 到哪里? Bob: Take me to the hospital 带我去医院 I’m in a hurry! 我有急事! Fish: You know traffic in that part of town is really heavy. 你要知道,那儿的交通很堵. I don’t want to get stuck and waste my time in a traffic jam. 我可不想把时间浪费在交通堵塞上. Bob: Come on I really need to go to the hospital! 哦, 我真的需要去医院. Please do me a favor and give me a lift! 请帮帮我,让我搭车吧! Fish: Sorry 对不起 I’m a businessman and in business time is money. 我是个商人, 生意场上时间表就是金钱。 That trip sounds like too much time not enough money. 这个车程听上去要花很多时间却没有多少钱. Look I’m having a bad day, okay pal? 瞧,我今天很倒霉,朋友. I’m not taking you to the hospital! 我不带你去医院! …… Fish: Do me a favor … please take me ..to the hospital! 请…帮帮我 带我…去…医院!