

2014-11-27    10'38''

主播: Apple Ma

411 1

Thanksgiving十词 Hello, everyone. Happy Thanksgiving Day.大家好,先祝大家感恩节快乐。我们今天的节目就跟感恩节有关。 What do know about Thanksgiving Day. Here I’d like to share ten words about Thanksgiving.大家对感恩节了解吗?在这里呢我要和大家一起来分享有关感恩节的十个单词。 The first words are Turkey,Pumpkin,and corn. These words are the first words coming out of my mind. Yes, I am foodie.我承认我是个吃货。想到感恩节首先出现的就是这几个食物的词汇火鸡,turkey,南瓜pumkin和玉米corn。American people eat roast turkey,pumpkin pies,和cornbread.美国人在庆祝感恩节时必吃的主菜就是烤火鸡,roast turkey,南瓜饼,pumpkin pies,和玉米面包cornbread.大家一定会问为啥一定要吃这些食物呢?说到这里我们不得不再认识三个词Mayflower, Pilgrim and Indian。 These three words are about the history of Thanksgiving Day.这三个词和感恩节的历史有关Thanksgiving should always be traced back to the origin of the history of the United States of the originator.感恩节的历史可以追溯到美国的起源。 1620年,有102个不堪忍受英国国内宗教破坏的清教徒乘坐着五月花号船来到美洲,也就是美国现在的所在地。这里提到两个词清教徒,the pilgrims和五月花号船,the Mayflower Ship。所以美国白人都不是土生土长在美洲大陆的,那时候美洲大路上只有印第安人。 这些清教徒,the pilgrims来到之后遇到了难以想象的困难,尤其是在1620年和1621年之交的冬天,当冬天过去时,只有50多人活下来。这时,心地善良的印第安人(the Indians)给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。 在这里我们要记住清教徒the pilgrims,他们来到美洲大陆乘坐的船"五月花号船"the Mayflower Ship,和帮助他们度过难关的美国土著印第安人the Indians。 因此庆祝感恩节他们必吃:roast turkey, pumpkin pies and corn. Thanksgiving Day is an Autumn holiday,and originated as a celebration of the year's harvest通过了解美国历史,感恩节是一个秋天的节日,是和印第安人一起来庆祝他们的丰收。所以感恩节让我们想到,秋天autumn和收获harvest. 说道秋天的季节我们想到了中国的一个节日the Mid-Autumn Festival,中秋节,they are almost the same.感恩节和中国的中秋是差不多。它也是一个家庭团圆的节日。On the fourth Thursday of each November, families and friends gather together for the occasion to celebrate with a traditional turkey dinner, usually in the mid-afternoon.在每年的11月份的第四个星期四,亲朋好友就是聚集在一起,来共同庆祝这一时刻,共享传统的火鸡盛宴。因此我想到一个词就是团聚,reunion。The Mid-Autumn Festival is also a family reunion occasion for Chinese people.对的,中秋节同样也是中国人家庭团聚的时刻。请记住团聚:reunion. 就这个节日的名字一样,感恩节,虽然不是我们中国人的节日,但是它会提醒我们要知道感恩。Be Grateful!这是我们这个节目的第十个词,感恩的,grateful. It’s time to say Thanks。 Say thanks to your family! Say thanks to your friends! Say thanks to the strangers! Say thanks to everyone! Happy Thanksgiving Day! Let’s say these ten words again. 火鸡turkey 南瓜pumpkin 玉米corn 五月花Mayflower, 清教徒pilgrim 印第安人Indian 秋天autumn 丰收,收获harvest, 团聚reunion 感恩的grateful 感恩节歌曲《Give Thanks》(感恩与赞美)欣赏 Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because He\'s given Jesus Christ, his Son. Give thanks witha grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because He\'s given Jesus Christ, his Son. And now let the weak say, "I am strong!" Let the poor say, "I am rich because of what the Lord has done for us!" And now let the weak say, "I am strong!" Let the poor say, "I am rich because of what the Lord has done for us!" Give thanks.