

2015-07-28    17'15''

主播: Apple Ma

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新标准英语第9册M2-U1课本内容讲解 【刊首语片花】 各位同学们,大家好,我是Apple老师,欢迎大家收听Apple老师讲新标准节目。在每一期的节目中,我将和同学们一起来提前预习新学期新标准英语的学习内容,希望我的讲解能够对大家的在校英语学习提供有声帮助。如果各位同学有什么疑问,可以加我的微信号31971077和我交流,我将及时回答你们在学习英语中遇到的问题。little by little, bit by bit,英语学习需要日积月累,好的成绩在于勤思多问,相信大家做得到! 【授课内容大纲】 Unit 1 This one is heavy. (1)Part 1 Look, listen and say heavy重的,h-e-a-v-y,反义词是light,l-i-g-h-t (读课文) In Picture1, Sam has got a cotton candy(棉花糖). The cotton candy is big, but it&`&s not heavy. It&`&s light. In Picture 2, the other one is a shot(铅球). The shot is small, but it&`&s heavy. It&`&s not light. (2)Part 2, Listen, read and act out 一起来读第二部分,读完后,回答我的问题。 (读课文) Question1: Where did Ms Smart, Sam, Amy and Lingling go? They went to the supermarket. Question 2: How is the supermarket? Is it big or small? It&`&s big. What a big supermarket!多么大的一个超市啊! What引导的感叹句 结构(1):What+一个怎样的物体。What a big supermarket. 口头变式练习,变陈述句为What引导的感叹句: Me: This is a heavy dog. You: What a heavy dog! Me: This is a beautiful park. You: What a beautiful park! 对复数名词和不可数名词的感叹: 结构(2):What+怎样的物体。 口头变式练习,变陈述句为What引导的感叹句: Me: This is cold water. You: What cold water. Me: These are clever boys. You: What clever boys. Me: Those are very little trees. You: What little trees. Question 3 What did the children see in the supermarket? They saw many sweets and a lot of fruit. 表达“许多”:many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词,a lot of修饰的既可以修饰不可数,也可以修饰可数。a lot of加上一个不可数名词,它的数量是单数,如fruit,There is a lot of fruit. Question 3 Have they got many bags? Are they light or heavy? They&`&ve got many bags. And one bag is very heavy. carry,拎着,扛着,搬运,c-a-r-r-y,carry.我拎不动。I can&`&t carry it. help sb do sth.帮助某人做某事。Please help me put the bags in the car. Let sb do sth.:让某人做某事。Let me help you. Question 4: What did Ms Smart give the children? Why? She gave each of them an ice cream. Because they were very helpful. Ms Smart奖励了他们每个人一个冰淇淋,因为他们都是乐于助人的孩子。 helpful乐于助人的。 (3)读诵课文 (读课文) 最后我们来把第一单元里面的精妙的表达来总结一下 1. 如何用what来做感叹句。what是对描述怎样的物体进行感叹的。因此What后面接一个名词的词组,名词是单数就要有a和an,名词书复数或不可数名词,我们就不需要a/an,这是我们经常搞错的。 如:What a big supermarket! What cold water! What clever boys! 2. carry,carry,拎着,扛着,搬运; “我拎不动这个包。它太重了。 I can&`&t carry this bag. It&`&s too heavy. 3. 我们要学会使用many/much/a lot of表达许多,many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词,a lot of修饰的既可以修饰不可数,也可以修饰可数。 4. fruit是个不可数名词,因此许多水果可以翻译为 much fruit, a lot of fruit. a lot of fruit是单数的,There is a lot of fruit. 5. help sb do sth./Let sb do sth. 好的,我们今天就讲到这里,That’s all for today. See you next time.