

2015-10-17    10'07''

主播: Apple Ma

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【刊首语】 新概念英语课文朗读与词汇讲解 各位同学们,大家好,我是Apple老师,欢迎大家收听“Apple老师朗读新概念英语课文”节目。在每一期的节目中,我将带领同学们朗读一篇新概念英语的课文。希望大家反复收听,并在朗读课文的同时理解课文的含义,进而能够背诵新概念英语的每一篇文章。 课文朗读 Lesson 103 The French test 第103课 法语考试 GARY:How was the exam, Richard? 加里: 考试考得怎样,理查德? RICHARD:Not too bad. 理查德: 不算太环, I think I passed in English and Mathematics. 我想我的英语和数学及格了。 The questions were very easy. How about you, Gary? 题目很容易。加里,你怎么样? GARY:The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. 加里: 英语和数学试题对我来说不很容易。 I hope I haven't failed. 我希望别不及格。 RICHARD:I think I failed the French paper. 理查德: 我想我的法语及不了格, I could answer sixteen of the questions. They were very easy. 我能回答其中的16道题。这些题很容易。 But I couldn't answer the rest. They were too difficult for me. 但我回答不出其余的题。那些题对我来说太难了。 GARY:French tests are awful, aren't they? 加里: 法语太可怕了,你说呢? RICHARD:I hate them. I'm sure I've got a low mark. 理查德: 我讨厌法语。我的法语成绩肯定很低。 GARY:Oh, cheer up! Perhaps we didn't do too badly. 加里: 啊,别灰心!或许我们考得还不太糟。 The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. 坐在我旁边的那个人只在试卷顶端写了自己的名字。 RICHARD:Yes? 理查德: 是吗? GARY:Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didn't write a word! 加里: 然后他就坐在那里, 对着考卷看了3个小时,一个字也没写! 生难字词 exam /examination/test n. 考试 pass v. 及格,通过 mathematics ( maths是缩写) n. 数学 question n. 问题 easy adj. 容易的 enough adj./adv. 足够地 paper n. 考卷 fail v. 未极格,失败 answer v. 回答 mark n. 分数 rest n. 其他的东西 difficult adj. 困难的 hate v. 讨厌 low adj. 低的 cheer v. 振作,振奋 guy n. 家伙,人 top n. 上方,顶部