

2014-10-18    10'44''

主播: 说法语的Éloïse

515 63

‘If someone loves a flower of witch there is only one on the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy when he lools at them for he can say to himself:" My flower if somewhere out there ..."But if the sheep eats the flower ,it is for him as if,all of sudden,all the stars went dark! And you think that is not important!' '如果有人爱上了在这亿万颗星星中独一无二的一株花,当他看着这些星星的时候,这就足以使他感到幸福。 小王子自言自语地说:"我的那朵花就在其中的一颗星星上...",但是如果羊吃掉了这朵花,对他来 说,好象所有的星星一下子全都熄灭了一样!这难道也不重要吗.'