Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

2018-06-15    07'42''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

216 2

1. dao-mei倒霉: go through a spell of bad luck: I must be going through a spell of bad luck today because I've had one accident after another. 2. dao-qiang-bu-ru刀枪不入(hou-lian-pi)厚脸皮: thick-skinned: Don't worry about hurting his feelings because he's pretty thick-skinned. dao-qiang-bu-ru:can also be used to describe someone's really strong. 3. dao-zai-cong倒栽葱: fall headfirst: He fell headfirst from the second floor. 4. de-cun-jin-chi得寸进尺: give an inch, take a mile; push one's luck: We can not compromise,because if we give an inch, they would try to take a mile. 5. de-le-ba得了吧(bai-tuo拜托): give me a break: Give me a break! It's totally impossible. 6. de-li-bu-rao-ren得理不饶人: argue a point to death: He still argues a point to death,even when everyone already acknowledges he's right. 7. de-yi-yang-yang得意洋洋: be smug;gloat: After he defeated his opponent,he gloated blatantly.