Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

2018-08-16    05'46''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

455 1

1.feng-ma-niu-bu-xiang-ji风马牛不相及: neither here nor there: All of this talking is neither here nor there. Let's stick to the point. 2. feng-yun-ren-wu风云人物: a prominent public figure of the time/ icon/ man of the year: He was a prominent figure in the 70's. 3. fu-shi-jie-shi俯拾皆是: a dime a dozen: These items are a dime a dozen. You can find them anywhere. 4. fu-yang敷衍: perfunctory/ one's heart is not in one's work: He was going through the motions, but his heart wasn't in his work. 5. gan-cui干脆: might as well/ simply: Since it's raining, we might as well stay at home and read. He doesn't know how to complete the assignment,so he simply gave up. 6. gan-deng-yang干瞪眼: one's hands are tied: The situation upsets him,but his hands are tied. 7.gan-qing-yong-shi感情用事: give in to emotion: You can't give in to emotion when handling legal cases. 8. gan-shi-mao赶时髦: be a slave to any new fad: She's a slave to any new fad that comes along.