【Drama in the Air】Beauty and the Beast

【Drama in the Air】Beauty and the Beast

2017-05-20    20'00''


371 9

There are stories; there are tales; there are epics; there are legends. Turn on the radio, and feel drama in the air! The story took place in ancient France.There was once a very handsome prince, but he was selfish and unkind, who wickedly taxed his citizens to purchase everything his heart desired. One stormy night, a dilapidated old women arrived at the prince’s castle and asked for shelter. The prince despised the appearance of the ugly madam, dismissing her. However, the old woman was not a mortal, she changed into a powerful fairy. As punishment, she transformed the prince into a hideous beast……. 前不久艾玛沃森和大表哥领衔主演的《美女与野兽》风靡全球,影片中贝尔优雅的裙摆,野兽粗犷但深情的告白,听众们是否还记得呢?作为新栏目的第一期,主播们将用声音重现这个奇幻而美丽的童话。 《美女与野兽》的故事起源于法国,本期节目中,多才多艺(爱炫技)的主播们拽了不少高大上的法语哦~ Mes filles :My daughters C’est bizzarre!:That’s strange Mon amour :My love Ne nous laisses seules, on t’adore! :Don’t leave us alone! Charlemange-Dieudonné :查理曼大帝和路易十四名字的组合(爱装x的编剧自己给王子起的名字) Belle: 武健平 Beast:沈哲远 Father: 朱聪 Fairy & Narrator: 陈芳怡 Sister1: 林玮逸 Sister 2: 曹玉鸾 监制:廖梓含