

2017-08-14    01'27''

主播: Irene(^_^)

131 0

All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old, The cry of a child by the roadway, the creak of a lumbering cart, The heavy steps of the ploughman, splashing the wintry mould, Are wronging your image that blossoms a rose in the deeps of my heart. 万物衰老腐朽,万事破败荒凉, 路边孩童哀哀哭叫,路上马车嘎嘎作响; 农夫耕地脚步沉重,冬日泥土翻浪: 你的幻影遭到扭曲,那是一朵玫瑰在我心底绽放。 The wrong of unshapely things is a wrong too great to be told; I hunger to build them anew and sit on a green knoll apart, With the earth and the sky and the water, remade, like a casket of gold For my dreams of your image that blossoms a rose in the deeps of my heart. 世上的一切都被扭曲,这种扭曲难以言状; 我渴求重塑世界,让绿色围在我的身旁, 再造的天、地、山、水是黄金的宝盒, 把你在我梦中的幻影珍藏,那是一朵玫瑰在我心底绽放。
上一期: 玩王者荣耀学英语
下一期: 当我每早醒来