Mary had a little lamb-SESA童谣

Mary had a little lamb-SESA童谣

2017-01-08    03'18''

主播: Amber Cao

2325 17

 关注公众号:SESA365 学习更多英文韵律 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有只小绵羊 little lamb, little lamb 小绵羊,小绵羊 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有只小绵羊 whose fleece was white as snow 洁白的毛儿像雪花 And everywhere that Mary went 无论玛丽走到哪儿 Mary went, Mary went 走到哪儿,走到哪儿 and everywhere that Mary went 无论玛丽走到哪儿 the lamb was sure to go 羊儿总跟在她身旁 It followed her to school one day 一天羊儿跟着玛丽去学校 school one day, school one day 去学校,去学校 It followed her to school one day 一天羊儿跟着玛丽去学校 which was against the rules 却违反学校规定了 It made the children laugh and play 同学们又笑又闹 laugh and play, laugh and play 又笑又闹,又笑又闹 it made the children laugh and play 同学们又笑又闹 to see a lamb at school 看这只来学校的小绵羊