

2022-06-21    05'00''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】What is this hold you have on me? 【ModernFamilyS3E08】 【发音】/wɒt/ /wɑːt/ /ɪz/ /ðɪs/ /həʊld/ /juː/ /hæv/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /miː/ 【发音技巧】What is连读+闪音;have on连读; 【翻译】你到底是给我施了什么魔法? 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习的表达是:have a hold on sb. 或者have a hold over sb. 这样的短语什么意思呢?我们来看看对应的英文解释: If you have a hold on or over someone, you have power or control over them, for example because you know something about them you can use to threaten them or because you are in a position of authority. “操纵、威胁、拿捏某个人因为你知道他们的一些把柄,或者因为你身居高位”; eg: It's always useful to have a hold over a fellow like Carl May. 能操纵像Carl May这样的人总是很有用的。 eg: He had ordered his officers to keep an exceptionally firm hold over their men. 他已经命令他的军官们要对自己的下属有绝对控制/有异常严格的控制。 eg: Because he once loved her, she still has a hold on him. 因为他曾经爱过她,所以她还是能拿捏住他。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I was a kid when I made that mistake! How long do you plan to have a hold on me?