

2019-08-22    09'28''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3943 25

难度:四星 【句子】I just…I expected a bigger reaction. I’ve been sitting here with knots in my stomach. 【Desperate Housewives S1E13】 【发音】[aɪ] [dʒʌst] [aɪ] [ɪkˈspektɪd] [ə] [bɪgə(r)] [ri'ækʃn] [aɪv] [bi:n] ['sɪtɪŋ] [hɪə(r)] [wɪð] [nɒts]/[nɑ:ts] [ɪn] [maɪ] ['stʌmək] 【发音技巧】expected 完全失去爆破;sitting美音浊化; 【翻译】我只是,我还以为你会有更大的反应呢!我还一直在这儿坐立不安呢。 【适用场合】 英语当中其实knots 和 stomach出现在一起,通常都表达什么意思呢? stomach 表示 胃 knots 打结(缠绕,扭在一起) sb.'s stomach is in knots/have the knots in sb.’s stomach They are used to say that a person has an unpleasant and tight feeling in the stomach, usually from nervousness. 用来描述某个人胃里有一种不舒服的感觉,通常是紧张造成的。 其实在口语中,也经常用来描述very worried, upset or angry 担忧、不安或者愤怒这样的情绪。 eg: Her stomach was in knots as she awaited the start of competition. 在比赛开始之前,她紧张到不行。 eg: What's the matter with her? She seems to have the knots in her stomach. 她怎么了?她看起来好不安,心神不宁的。 那么除了刚才上面提到的两个表达,口语中你也可以说: My stomach is in knots about... 我为……事情而感到不安/紧张/担忧; I have knots in my stomach trying to decide... 我迟迟做不了某件事的决定,心里一直惴惴不安 My stomach ties in knots every time I think about... 每当我想到某事,我心里就七上八下的。 其实有关胃里面的东西,口语中比较常见是: 胃里面有蝴蝶 have/get butterflies in (one's) stomach 用来表达有点小紧张,有点小害怕A feeling of nervousness. 汉语中也有用兔子,或者鹿来形容一种紧张的状态,只不过英语用的蝴蝶。 eg: Whenever I have to speak in public, I get butterflies in my stomach. 不管何时,只要让我在公众场合说话,我心里就紧张得不行。 eg: She always has butterflies in her stomach before a test. 每次要考试了,她就会超级紧张。 比如说很多同学就会觉得肚子疼,手心出汗,心跳加速,都是紧张的表现。 所以从以上的讲解来看,大部分情况下,knots和butterflies的短语可以进行互换 比如: eg: I have butterflies in my stomach thinking about tomorrow's test. eg: My stomach ties in knots every time I think about the exam tomorrow. 但是要注意: 如果你说的是一些比较serious的事情,不建议用get/have butterflies in (one's) stomach,更建议用sb.'s stomach is in knots/have the knots in sb.’s stomach。 eg: My stomach has been in knots ever since it became clear we would have to put my mother in a nursing home. 自从事情渐渐明朗—我们将不得不把母亲送到养老院,我的心里就一直特别不安。 这种严肃的事情,用butterflies这个短语就不太合适。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I'm meeting her parents tonight, and I have a bad case of butterflies in my stomach.