

2020-05-27    05'56''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2790 18

【句子】I gotta hand it to you, honey. Twenty-four hours without video games, he’s already contributing to society. 【Modern Family-S2E5】 【发音】[aɪ] [ˈgɒtə]/[ˈgɑ:tə] [hænd] [ɪt] [tʊ] [ju:] [ˈhʌni] ['twenti fɔ:(r)] ['aʊə(r)z] [wɪˈðaʊt] ['vɪdɪəʊ] [geɪmz] [hi:z] [ɔːlˈredi]/[ɑ:lˈredi] [kən'trɪbju:tɪŋ] [tʊ] [sə'saɪəti] 【发音技巧】hand it to连读+完全失去爆破; 【翻译】亲爱的,这可都是你的功劳啊!24小时没玩游戏,他现在都开始造福社会了。 【适用场合】 I gotta hand it to you, honey. 亲爱的,这可都是你的功劳啊。 亲爱的,你可真棒。 hand it to sb. to give credit to someone for something they have done 因为某个人做了某事,所以表扬Ta,夸赞Ta eg: Still, you have to hand it to Jenny—she sure knows how to throw a party. 你还是得好好感谢一下Jenny,她确实对举办派对有一套。 eg: I've got to hand it to you. The company has really turned the corner since you started managing the accounts. 我真得好好感谢一下你,自从你来管理公司账目之后,公司运营状况确实有改善。 这里的turn the corner什么意思呢? to pass a very important point in an illness or a difficult situation and begin to improve 在艰难的境况里,扛过一个关键的时期,开始变好。 They cut corners! 他们抄近路了! 英语中的cut corners 如何理解? 一般是贬义色彩 to do sth. in the easiest, cheapest or quickest way, often by ignoring rules or leaving sth. out 用最简单快捷的方式做某事,不计后果,越过一些步骤,不考虑原则; eg: To be competitive, they paid low wages and cut corners on health and safety. 为了在市场上更具竞争力,他们把工资压到很低,并且丝毫不考虑员工的健康和安全。 eg: Take your time. Don't cut corners and follow instructions. 慢慢来别着急,别偷懒走捷径,按照指示一步步来。 eg: Don't cut corners on this project—it has to be done thoroughly, no matter the cost. 在这个项目上,可别偷工减料赶进度,必须得认认真真完成,不计代价。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I won't cut corners just to save money. I put quality first.