

2020-05-30    05'18''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2528 15

【句子】I’ve been thinking if you said as much about America as I said about Colombia, I’d be plenty ticked off. 【Modern Family-S2E5】 【发音】[aɪv] [bi:n] ['ðɪŋkɪŋ] [ɪf] [ju:] [sed] [æz] [mʌtʃ] [ə'baʊt] [ə'merɪkə] [æz] [aɪ] [sed] [ə'baʊt] [kə'lɒmbɪə] [aɪd] [bi:] ['plenti] [tɪkt] [ɒf]/[ɑ:f] 【发音技巧】about America连读+美音浊化;I’d be完全失去爆破;ticked off完全失去爆破+连读; 【翻译】我在想,我一直说哥伦比亚的各种不好,如果你这么说美国,我早就气炸了! 【适用场合】 这个句子里面首先说明一点,plenty在这里是做adv. 使用的。 另外什么叫做ticked off呢 tick sb. off这个动词短语先了解一下, 在英式口语中,tick sb. off可以用来表达,特别愤怒地斥责、训斥某个人,尤其是批评孩子这种场合 to speak angrily to sb., especially a child, because they have done sth. wrong eg: I was always being ticked off for messy work. 我经常因为工作处理得不妥当而被批评。 在英式英语中,这个短语还可以用来表示,勾掉这个意思。 to put a mark beside a name or an item on a list to show that sth. has been dealt with eg: I’ve ticked off the names of all those present. 老师手边有一份名单,说:“我已经把所有在场的人名字都勾了。” 而,在美式口语中,同样的动词短语tick sb. off却用来表示: 让某个人非常愤怒,非常生气; to make sb. angry or annoyed: eg: I was really ticked off when she was so late. 她迟到了这么久!我当时真的是气炸了! eg: It really ticks me off the way people drive in the bus lane, when they clearly aren't supposed to! 真是让我火大,这帮人明显不应该把车开到公交车道的! 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 没有什么能够比客人穿着脏鞋进我家更让我妈生气的了。