

2020-05-31    05'27''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2354 16

【句子】Wow, you’re gonna be making money hand over fist. 【Friends-S1E24】 【发音】[waʊ] [jɔ:(r)] [ˈgə.nə]/[ˈgɑ:.nə] [bi:] [ˈmeɪ.kɪŋ] [ˈmʌni] [hænd] [ˈəʊ.və(r)] [fɪst] 【发音技巧】hand over连读; 【翻译】很快你就能赚到一大笔钱了。 【适用场合】 今天我们重点学习的表达是: hand over fist 字面的意思:hand手;fist紧握着的拳头; 手在拳头上面? 我们说这个短语以前一直用来描述水手两只手交替,向上攀援绳子的动作。 现在我们经常用hand over fist来形容,非常快速又很稳当地做某事。 at a brisk pace or rate 以非常快的速率 eg: This doll is so popular that the manufacturer is making money hand over fist. 这款娃娃卖得超级火爆,生产厂家赚了一大笔钱。 eg: They were buying things hand over fist. 他们那会儿正在疯狂采购。 eg: Business was good and we were making money hand over fist. 那会儿行业挺景气的,我们赚了不少钱。 eg: Bill is making money hand over fist these days -- he invented a pill that wives can give their husbands to stop them from snoring. Bill最近赚了不少钱,他发明了一种药物,可以让妻子们给丈夫服用,让他们不再打呼噜。 那再啰嗦一句,为什么今天视频片段当中Phoebe说了这句话大家都笑了呢,因为Joey要去donate his sperm,所以这个短语用的,可以说是非常形象了。有双关的意味。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The companies had no skills and almost all were losing money hand over fist.