

2020-06-03    09'04''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2181 15

【句子】Of course it’s not all coming up roses. He’s not gonna be able to come back to work for four … four and a half months. 【Desperate Housewives S1E15】 【发音】[əv] [kɔ:(r)s] [ɪts] [nɒt]/[nɑ:t] [ɔ:l]/[ɑ:l] ['kʌmɪŋ] [ʌp] [rəʊzɪz] [hi:z] [nɒt]/[nɑ:t] [ˈgə.nə]/[ˈgɑ:.nə] [bi:] ['eɪbl] [tʊ] [kʌm] [bæk] [tʊ] [wɜ:(r)k] [fɔ:(r)] [fɔ:(r)] [fɔ:(r)] [ænd] [ə] [hɑ:f]/[hæf] [mʌnθs] 【发音技巧】coming up连读;not gonna完全失去爆破;back to完全失去爆破;work for不完全失去爆破;and a连读;months的读音; 【翻译】不过也没有那么顺利啦!他得有四个月……四个半月吧,不能回来工作。 【适用场合】 1. come up roses 有了好的结果,成功了,尤其是在困难/不利的情况下 to result in success or an exceptionally good outcome, especially in the face of doubts or difficulties eg: Those were difficult times but now everything's coming up roses. 以前真的挺困难的,但是现在一切都好啦。 eg: It looked like the negotiations might break down at any stage, but everything came up roses in the end. 当初还以为谈判随时可能会破裂,但好在最终一切结果都不错。 英语里面有个挺有意思的类似短语: come up smelling like roses 有点像汉语里的:出淤泥而不染,你们可以下去了解一下这个词组。 2. take the ball 怎么理解? 今天台词原文是: Company still needs to expand, so I figure they need a fit, heart-smart guy like me to step up, take the ball. 公司业务还需要扩大,所以我觉得他们应该需要一个像我这样身体健康的人挺身而出,收拾残局。 其实这里应该理解成为take the ball and run (with it) 口语里也可以说:pick up the ball and run with it 把球捡起来,带着跑 引申义就是:to continue an activity or process that someone else has started, often when that person could not finish it or make it work 去继续别人之前开始,但是并未完成/并未结束的工作 eg: We had a very vague idea of what we wanted, but the marketing team just took the ball and ran with it. 对于我们到底想要个什么样的产品,我们一开始概念是比较模糊的,好在后来市场团队的伙伴们由此开始接手负责了。 3. 学习一个表达叫做in retrospect 表示“事后看来……” 对话: -- You called your boss a fool? -- I did. That was risky in retrospect. But, you know what, still he gave me the job! 你叫你老板傻子? 是啊,现在回想起来真险。不过你知道吗,他还是把这份工作给我了! 这里in retrospect 可以理解成:in considering the past or a past event eg: In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning. 回头看看,我觉得我的婚姻,从一开始就注定了失败。 其实前几天我们在学习Modern Family S2E5的时候,第577期节目已经学过类似的表达, 叫做in hindsight,大家可以翻翻看之前的节目来复习哦。 > > 点我复习 < < 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 It's one of those lessons that you can really only learn in retrospect.