

2020-06-11    06'07''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

1980 11

【句子】Joey, when I saw him get off that plane with her, I really thought I just hit rock bottom. 【Friends-S2E1】 【发音】[ˈdʒəʊi] [wen] [aɪ] [sɔ:]/[sɑ:] [hɪm] [get] [ɒf]/[ɑ:f] [ðæt] [pleɪn] [wɪð] [hɜ:(r)] [aɪ] [ˈrɪə.li] [θɔ:t]/[θɑ:t] [aɪ] [dʒʌst] [hɪt] [rɒk]/[rɑ:k] [ˈbɒt.əm]/[ˈbɑ:.ţəm] 【发音技巧】when I连读;get off连读+美音浊化;that plane完全失去爆破;just hit rock bottom两处不完全失去爆破,一处完全失去爆破; 【翻译】Joey,当我看到他们俩一起下飞机的时候,我真觉得我跌入了谷底。 【适用场合】 rock bottom (数字)最低水平 the lowest possible level 其实这个短语的意思很好理解,往土地下面挖的时候,碰到了岩床,bedrock,就再挖不下去了。 eg: Prices have reached rock bottom. 价格已经触底了。 eg: The president's approval ratings have hit rock bottom. 这位总统的支持率已经低到谷底。 eg: Confidence in the company is at rock bottom. 公众对这家公司的信任已经低到不能再低了。 rock bottom也可以用来指人生中最低潮的时期 the most unhappy that someone has ever been in their life 动词的话,可以搭配reach或者hit 到达人生中的最低谷 eg: Ian had just left me and I was at rock bottom. Ian刚离开了我,那会儿我真是处于人生中最低潮的时期。 eg: Alcoholics often have to reach rock bottom before they can recognize that they have a problem. 酒鬼们总得把生活搞得一塌糊涂,差得不能再差的时候,才能意识到他们这样是有问题的。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I knew I had hit rock bottom when I missed my son's birthday party because I was hung over. That's when I knew I needed to get professional help.