Begin Again

Begin Again

2016-11-06    03'57''

主播: 余雨也

108 3

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Took a deep breath in the mirror  望着镜子里的我,深吸一口气,  He didn’t like it when I wore high heels,  他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子,  But I do  但那却是我最爱的事  Turned the lock and put my headphones on  插上锁,带上耳机,投入到音乐的怀抱里  He always said he didn’t get this song  他总是说他无法理解这首歌的真谛,  but I do, I do  但我却深有感触  Walked in expecting you’d be late  我轻轻迈着步伐走入的瞬间,私心想着你可能会姗姗来迟  But you got here early  但你却已然早早出现了  And you stand and wait  你一个人静静的站着等待  And I walk to you  我朝你走来  You pulled my chair out and helped me in  你轻轻的帮我拉开椅子,示意让我坐下  And you don’t know how nice that is 你不会知道,这感觉有多甜蜜  But I do  但我却深有感触  And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid  你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般  I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny  你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。  ‘cause he never did  因为,他从不会这样想  I’ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does  过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能  Is break and burn and end  破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点?  But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again  但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃  You said you never met one girl  你说,你还未曾遇到过这样一个女孩儿  Who has as many James Taylor records as you  收藏着和你一样多的James Taylor的音乐带  But I do  但我确实就是这样  We tell stories  我们聊着故事  and you don’t know why I’m coming off a little shy  你不明白,为什么我会突然变得羞答答起来  But I do  但我心如明镜  And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid  你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般  I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny  你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。  ‘cause he never did  因为,他从不会这样想  I’ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does  过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能  Is break and burn and end  破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点?  But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again  但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃  And we walk down the block to my car 我们一起走过街区,来到我停下的车旁  And I almost brought him up  我几乎就快要想起曾经的那个他  But you start to talk about the movies  而你转而开始跟我谈论起电影  That your family watches every single Christmas  是那部你们家每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片  And I won’t talk about that  这样,我便不会再提起他了  For the first time, what’s past is past  从未有过这种感觉,逝者如流水,就让它过去吧 And you throw your head back laughing like a  little kid  你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般  I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny  你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。  ‘cause he never did  因为,他从不会这样想  I’ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does  过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能  Is break and burn and end  破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点?  But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again  但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃
上一期: Song:love story
下一期: 回答/北岛