III-A New Home in the Woods    As Jessie opened her eyes. It was morning, but the sun was covered by clouds. She sat up and looked all around her, and then she looked at the sky. It seemed like night, for it was very dark. Suddenly it began to thunder, and she saw that it was really going to rain.    "What shall we do? Where shall we go?" thought Jessie.    The wind was blowing more and more clouds across the sky, and the lightning was very near.    She walked a little way into the woods looking for a place to go out of the rain. "Where shall we go?" she thought again. Then she saw something ahead of her in the woods. It was an old boxcar.    "What a good house that will be in the rain!" she thought.    She ran over to the boxcar. There was no engine, and the track was old and rusty. It was covered with grass and bushes because it had not been used for a long time.    "It is a boxcar," Jessie said. "We can get into it and stay until it stops raining."    She ran back as fast as she could to the other children. The sky was black, and the wind was blowing very hard.    "Hurry! Hurry!" cried Jessie. "I have found a good place! Hurry as fast as you can!"    Henry took Benny's hands and they all ran through the woods after Jessie.    "It's beginning to rain!" cried Henry. "We'll soon be there," Jessie shouted back. "It is not far. When we get there, you must help me open the door. It is heavy."    The stump of a big tree stood under the door of the boxcar and was just right for a step. Jessie and Henry jumped up on the old dead stump and rolled back the heavy door of the car. Henry looked in.    "There is nothing in here," he said. "Come, Benny. We'll help you up."    Violet went in next, and, last of all, Jessie and Henry climbed in. They were just in time. How the wind did blow! They rolled the door shut, and then it really began to rain. Oh, how it did rain! It just rained and rained. The children could hear it on the top of the boxcar, but no rain came in.    "What a good place this is!"- said Violet. "It is just like a warm little house with one room.
上一期: Boxcar Children (2) C
下一期: Boxcar Children (3) B