Boxcar Children (4) A

Boxcar Children (4) A

2015-07-27    05'53''

主播: Monica(桃花岛主)

68 0

Jessie whispered, "Keep still!"    The three children did not say a word. They sat quietly in the boxcar, looking at the bushes.    I wonder if its a bear," thought Benny.    Soon something came out. But it wasn&`&t a bear. it was a dog, which hopped along on three legs, crying softly and holding up a front paw.    "It&`&s all right," said Jessie. "It&`&s only a dog, but I think he is hurt."    The dog looked up and saw the children, and then he wagged his tail.    "Poor dog," said Jessie. "Are you lost? Come over here and let me look at your paw."    The dog hopped over to the boxcar, and the children got out.    Jessie looked at the paw and said, "Oh, dear! You poor dog! There is a big thorn in your foot."    The dog stopped crying and looked at Jessie.    "Good dog," said Jessie. "I can help you, but maybe it will hurt."    The dog looked up at Jessie and wagged his tail again    "Violet," ordered Jessie, "please wet my handkerchief in the brook,"    Jessie sat down on the stump and took the dog in her lap. She patted him and gave him a little piece of bread. Then she began to pull out the thorn it was a long thorn, but the dog did not make any noise, Jessie pulled and pulled, and at last the thorn came out.    Violet had a wet handkerchief ready, Jessie put it around the dog&`&s paw. and he looked up at her and wagged his tail a little,    "He wants to say &`&Thank you, Jessie!" cried Violet. "He is a good dog not to cry.    "Yes, he is," agreed Jessie. &`&Now I had better hold him for awhile so that he will lie down and rest his leg."    "We can surprise Henry," remarked Benny. "Now we have a dog."    "So we can," said Jessie. "But that was not my surprise. I was going to get a lot of blueberries for supper."    "Can&`&t we look for blueberries, while you hold the dog?" asked Violet.    "Yes, you can," said Jessie. "Look over there by the big trees."    Benny and Violet ran over to look.    "Oh, Jessie!" cried Benny. "Did you ever see so many blueberries? I guess five blueberries! No, I guess ten blueberries!"    Jessie laughed "I guess there are more than five or ten, Benny." she said.    "Get a clean towel and pick them into it."    For awhile Jessie watched Benny and Violet picking blueberries.    "Most of Benny&`&s blueberries are going into his mouth," she thought with a laugh. "But maybe that&`&s just as well. He won&`&t get so hungry waiting for Henry to come back with the milk."    She carried the dog over to the children and sat down beside them, the dog on her lap. With her help the towel was soon full of blueberries.