The Chilean bird that rescued our holiday 拯救了我的感恩节的智利火鸡

The Chilean bird that rescued our holiday 拯救了我的感恩节的智利火鸡

2017-12-22    04'09''

主播: FM1028192

160 9

For many expats, the traditional holiday season has arrived and with it, a time for feasting and family. It's like Spring Festival, but stretched out over an even longer time. 对许多漂泊在异国的游子们来说,传统节日季已经到来,随之而来的是各种聚会,以及和家人的团聚。这个传统节日季就和中国的春节一样,但是持续时间比中国的春节更长。 For many of us, it starts around Thanksgiving, which falls in late November in the United States and in October for Canadians. By the time we're finished eating the leftovers, it's time to plan dinners for Christmas and New Year's. 我们中的大多数都认为,传统节日季大概就是从感恩节开始的。在美国,感恩节都是在十一月份底;而在加拿大,是在十月份庆祝。到那个时候,我们会吃完之前留下来的食物,开始准备圣诞节和新年的晚饭了。 Thanksgiving can be a wonderful time for family get-togethers, for taking pictures that will long be treasured and watching kids play in the yard. 感恩节对一个家庭来说是非常美好的大团聚时刻,大家可以一起留影纪念,这些照片将会永远珍藏着;还可以看着孩子们在院子里玩耍。 A traditional dinner of turkey, cranberry sauce, vegetables, and a bready dish called either dressing or stuffing (depending on the region in North America). The smells of this dinner cooking immediately transports many of us to holidays past. It can be a time of melancholy, comparable I imagine to what Chinese people living abroad might feel at Spring Festival. 传统的感恩节晚餐包括了火鸡、蔓越莓酱、蔬菜和一碟酱或者是叫馅(北美每个区叫法不一样)。这顿晚餐的香味瞬时间就把我们带回了过去,让我们想起曾经庆祝过的感恩节。这会有些悲伤,我想这就好比在国外生活的中国人在春节的时候会有的那种情感。 I must admit it's the holiday that most makes me feel a little homesick. Fortunately for us, however, North American holiday dinners are not so hard to find in China's big cities. 我必须坦白,最让我感到有点乡愁的就是这个感恩节。不过还好,在中国的一些大城市里不难找到提供北美节日晚餐的餐厅。 Our first Thanksgiving in China was in Shanghai. I had to work, but my wife was welcomed at favorite restaurant called Southern Belle on Changle Lu, even without a reservation, and had turkey dinner at the bar. Sadly, Southern Belle closed just over a year ago. 我们在中国的第一个感恩节是在上海过的。那天,我还得继续工作,但我的妻子去了长乐路上的一家餐厅,这是她非常喜欢的餐厅,叫Southern Belle,尽管她没有提前预订。那天晚上她吃了火鸡。不过遗憾的是,这家餐厅一年前关门了。 In Beijing, we've had several fantastic holiday dinners at a restaurant in the village of Mutianyu. This year, my wife found a small turkey imported from Chile in a local store. It was just the right size for our medium-sized oven, and she cooked an amazingly good dinner for a small group from the US. 在北京过节时,我们在慕田峪长城的一个餐厅里也吃过几次非常美味的晚餐。今年,我的妻子在一个地方超市里找到了从智利进口的火鸡。我家中等大小的烤箱正好能塞下这只火鸡,她给一些美国的朋友做了一顿特别美味的晚餐。 While we have no desire to live in an expat "bubble", some touches from home are comforting, especially after years abroad. 当我们不想再住在外国人圈子的“泡泡”(bubble)里的时候,尤其是在出国多年后,一些故乡带来的感动能给予许多安慰。 We have seen the world become smaller as more people travel internationally. More are living abroad as digital nomads as technology has freed more workers from office jobs. 随着越来越多的人在世界各地旅游,我们发现世界变得越来越小。由于科技发展,人们已经不再局限于办公室工作,越来越多的人在国外以数字牧民的方式生活。 While having too many visitors in any given location can be overwhelming, I think these phenomena have, overall, been positive. We understand each other better, making prejudice less likely to sprout. 任何一个地方,在同一时间内接纳过多游客时,会令人崩溃,但我认为从整体来看这些现象是有积极效果的。我们可以更好地理解对方,不轻易产生偏见。 People from all over the world can find a touch of home in China's cities. Here in Beijing, if you need spices for your favorite Indian dish, you can find them. If you want fresh Peruvian-style ceviche and a pisco sour, you can have them. The city has become cosmopolitan without losing its Chinese character. 全世界的人都可以在中国的城市找到自己家乡的归属感。比如在北京,如果你需要最喜欢的印度菜里的辛香料,你可以在超市里找到。如果你想吃新鲜的秘鲁酸橘汁腌鱼和皮思科鸡尾酒,你也可以找到这样的餐厅。这座城市已成为一座世界性的城市,但同时也并没有丢失其中国特色。 I never anticipated living in China, even though as a child I read about early 19th century revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen and wondered about his far-off nation. When the chance came over five years ago to work here, we jumped at it and have never regretted it. It has changed us for the better, and we feel like we have contributed our skills to China. 尽管我在孩提时代曾读过孙中山的故事,他是19世纪早期的改革家,也曾幻想过他所在的那个遥远的国度,但我从来没有设想过在中国生活。五年前,有这样一个去中国工作的机会摆在我们面前,我们紧紧抓住了这个机会,并且从未后悔过。中国让我们变得更好,我们也觉得自己为中国做出了贡献。 At the same time, with just a few adjustments, we can still have an old-fashioned, home-style holiday dinner, complete with turkey and dressing. 同时,适当做一些改变,我们仍然可以有一个经典的、家庭式的节日晚餐和与之配套的火鸡和酱馅。