

2016-03-19    05'10''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

95 8

本期话题:你相信一见钟情吗? 相信的观点:Sometimes,you feel the connection or the chemistry,which makes you fall in love with someone,even if you don’t really know the person. Human emotions are delicate, and sometimes beyond explanations.So I do believe in love at first sight. You just have to be at the right place ,at the right time and meet the right person 大意:有时候,你会对一个人产生一种奇妙的关联或化学反应,让你突然爱上这个人,即使你并不十分了解她。感情这种微妙的东西,有时候本身就无法来解释~所以我相信一见钟情,你只是需要在对的时间对的地点遇到对的人~ 不相信的观点:Love at first sight is not real. You can be attracted to someone‘s look, but to truly love someone is getting to know every part of that person. The best and worst parts. The in and outside. Love is a deep connection between two people,it‘s such a huge emotion that takes time to grow. 大意:一见钟情并不实,你也许会被一个人的外貌所吸引,但真正爱一个人需要你了解他的全部,他的优点和缺点,内在和外在。爱是人与人之间很深的一种感情,需要长时间的培养。 本期互动: 你相信一见钟情吗?或者你有过类似“一见钟情”的经历吗?快来分享你的观点或故事吧~ 本期音乐: Crazy Love-Aaron Neville Love at first sight-Blue 本期词汇: love at first sight:一见钟情 delicate:微妙的 欢迎订阅Dean的晚安电台,第一时间获取节目更新~ 想和Dean一起学英语,快快直戳http://t.cn/Rq43KMi下载“英语流利说”吧