

2016-03-22    05'24''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

93 5

本期话题:灯熄后,知交好友剩几个? The great technology makes the communication much more convenient now.It’s easy to be informed and to stay current with what is happening in the lives of many of our acquaintances as well as current and former friends and even people we have not met personally.It may make us think that we have many “friends.” But the question is how many of them can truly be called “friend” ,or let’s put it this way-What’s your definition of a true friend. 大意: 科技让人与人之间的沟通变得更加便捷,现在我们可以很轻易了解到我们的熟人,以前或现在的朋友,甚至是素未蒙面的人,他们的生活状态,这也让我们感觉好像拥有了很多朋友。但问题是,在这些人当中,究竟有多少人可以真正称为朋友,又或者换个说法,对于真正的朋友,你的定义是什么? 本期互动: 你对朋友的定义或分类是什么?你又有多少个知交好友? 本期音乐: A place nearby - Lene Marlin Fall again - Kenny G;Robin Thicke 本期词汇: acquaintance:熟人;相识;了解;知道 nodding/bowing acquaintance:点头之交 Stay current (with):与时俱进;与…保持同步 欢迎订阅Dean的晚安电台,第一时间获取节目更新~ 想和Dean一起学英语,快快直戳http://t.cn/Rq43KMi下载“英语流利说”吧