

2020-01-01    03'15''

主播: 卡卡课堂

2020 14

英语美文-新年你应该给自己12个承诺 12 Promises You Should Make to Yourself Before the New Year 这篇文章,我找了很久,新年来临之际,我们最应该感谢的那个人,首先是自己。回顾这一年里,你自己经历的那么多,每天或是相同又或是不同。不管是你开心,快乐,难过,疑惑,愤怒…你都应该感谢住在你心里的那个小小的,可爱的自己。 新年的来临,你一定有很多要对自己说的话吧。下面这些话,可以在新的一年里,反反复复对自己说哦!相信,它们会带给你更多的快乐,成长,以及让你收获更加幸福的人生哦! “I promise myself to love myself as much as I want others to love me.” “我保证爱自己如同我期望别人爱我那样” “I promise myself to expect less from others but more and more from myself.” “我向自己保证,降低对他人的期望, 提升对自己的期望。” “I promise myself to let go of the heavy burden of my past. To turn my wounds into wisdom, and my difficulties into opportunities.” “我向自己保证,放下过去沉重的负担。把我的创伤变成智慧,把我的困难变成机会。” “I promise myself to forgive so that I can heal, and let go so that I can grow.” “我保证原谅自己,这样我才能痊愈,放手让自己成长。” “I promise myself to allow life’s many challenges to make me better, not bitter.” “我向自己保证,让生活中的许多挑战让我变得更好,而不是痛苦。” “I promise myself to never speak from a place of hate, jealousy, anger, or insecurity. And to always evaluate my words before I let them leave my lips.” “我向自己保证,永远不会因为充满仇恨、嫉妒、愤怒,不安而讲话。我要对我说的话在离开我嘴唇之前进行评估。 “I promise myself to complain less, and appreciate life a little more.” “我保证少抱怨,多欣赏生活。” “I promise myself to always look for the good in people. To treat everyone with love, kindness, compassion, and appreciation and never speak badly of anyone.” “我向自己保证,永远在人们身上寻找好处。以爱、仁慈、同情和欣赏的态度对待每一个人,永远不要说任何人的坏话。” “I promise myself to create a sense of purpose and bring meaning into my everyday life. And no matter how many times I fall or fail, I promise myself to never give up on myself, my dreams and life.” “我向自己保证,要创造一种目标感,把意义带入我的日常生活。无论我跌倒或失败多少次,我都保证永不放弃自己、梦想和生活。” “I promise myself to surround myself with people who make me hungry for life, touch my heart, and nurture my soul.” “我保证,围绕在我身边的人能让我渴望生活,触动心灵,滋养我的灵魂。” “I promise myself to let go of any bad habits I might be holding on to, and walk away from all those things that hold me back in life.” “我向自己保证,如果有什么坏习惯,我会戒掉的,我会远离那些让我在生活中停滞不前的东西。” “I promise myself to give more of my time to those who are special in my life, and show them how much they really mean to me.” “我保证我会把更多的时间给那些在我生命中特别的人,让他们知道他们对我有多重要。”