Ubuntu 第二声部

Ubuntu 第二声部

2017-03-07    02'40''

主播: 泡泡屋优效家庭

1695 28

这个版本由周老师自弹自唱 Ubuntu是一个古老的非洲词语,意思是 &`&humanity to others&`&,中文里有相对应的说法,以慈待人。这个词语还有一层意思,就是 &`&I am what I am because of who we all are&`&. 因为有我们,我才成为了我。 歌词如下: I am me because of you, and you are you because of me. I need you and you need me, We are one big family. I am human just like you, but we have differences, it&`&s true. I will see the best in you, and I will know that you will see the best in me. I will guard your dignity We will live in harmony. I will lift your spirit high, wipe the tear-drops from your eyes, ubuntu. As a chorus we are strong, ubuntu, ubuntu, when everyone of us sings along, ubuntu
上一期: 左洪荒右女神
下一期: ABC Sing along - C