Tara-美国习惯用语-green thumb

Tara-美国习惯用语-green thumb

2015-06-13    04'44''

主播: Tara1112

1 0

Green thumb  I wish I had a green thumb likeMrs. Lee -- look at the beautiful roses in her yard. I guess I don't have much of a green thumb: every year I plant cabbage, beans and sweet corn in my backyard but all I ever get is a lot of weeds." Green light My boss liked my idea to open a branch office in Los Angeles and gave me the green light to go ahead. The astronauts were in the space shuttle ready to go, but somebody saw one of their computers had a problem. It's fixed now, but Houston Control is checking it again before they give the green light to launch."  
上一期: Tara-美国习惯用语-Rain