最常用的看医生英语 | 出国必备

最常用的看医生英语 | 出国必备

2019-07-02    09'27''

主播: 随口说说新西兰

220 3

Hi, this is Auckland doctors, how can I help you? 你好,这里是奥克兰家庭医生,有什么需要帮助的吗? Hi, my name is Leon, I’d like to make an appointment for tomorrow. 你好,我是Leon, 我想做一个明天的预约。 Sure, for tomorrow we have a 9 o’clock, and a 3pm, what time would work the best for you? 没问题,明天上午9点或下午3点,哪个最适合您的时间呢? 3pm would be the best for me. 就帮我约三点吧。 Ok, your appointment is confirmed at 3pm tomorrow with Dr. Goodman. 好的,已经帮您定好明天下午3点见Goodman医生。 Thanks, I will see you tomorrow. 谢谢,明天见。 Hi, I am Leon, I have an appointment with Dr. Goodman at 3pm. 你好,我是Leon, 我今天约了下午3点见Goodman医生。 Ok, Dr. Goodman will be with you shortly, please take a seat. 没问题,Goodman医生很快就可以见您,请稍坐片刻。 Leon, Dr. Goodman is ready for you. Leon, Goodman医生在等您了。 看医生前护士会先帮你测一下temperature体温和blood pressure血压, 并了解一些你的基本信息。 Are you on any medication药物? 你目前正在用什么药物吗? Do you have any allergies过敏? 您对什么东西过敏吗? Yes, I’m allergic to milk. 我对牛奶过敏。 What’s happened? / What’s the problem? 哪里不舒服呢? How long has this been going on? 有这个症状多久了? Does it hurt when I press here? 我按这里会疼吗? My stomach is not feeling well。 肚子不舒服 I’m on my period and I have cramps. 经期肚子疼 Cramps / Menstrual cramps 经期肚子疼 runny nose 流鼻涕 sore throat 嗓子疼 dizzy 头晕 sick 恶心想吐 vomit 想吐 insomnia 失眠 chest pain 胸部疼,胸闷 diarrhea 拉肚子 allergy 过敏 I am allergic to … 我对…过敏 scratches 刮伤 sprain 扭伤 I sprained my ankle 脚扭了 my whole body is so sore 腰酸腿疼 prescription 处方药 pharmacy 药房 antibiotics 抗生素,消炎药 paracetamol 止痛药 欢迎大家加入我的两个线下交流群进行线下互动,一个是随口说说新西兰交流群,一个是英语口语练习群。 伙伴们可以通过添加我的助理欣新: xinxinxiangrong1316,由她加您入群。请注明您想要加入的群体。​