

2020-09-22    02'07''

主播: 良声英语

421 6

All The World Is Green 生机盎然的世界 Tom Waits 汤姆·威茨 背景:赵海洋-静谧 朗读:美式发音 I fell into the ocean 当你成为我的妻子 When you became my wife 我像坠入深海一般 I risked it all against the sea 为你我与大海纠缠 To have a better life 为你能更好地生活 You are the wild blue sky 你是一片狂野的蓝色天空 And men do foolish things 为你,男人变得愚蠢 You turn kings into beggars 你可以使国王变成乞丐 And beggars into kings 也能让乞丐变成国王 Pretend that you owe me nothing 假装你从未欠我什么 And all the world is green 整个世界都充满希望 We can bring back the old days again 假装我们能重新来过 But all the world is green 这世界充满希望 The face forgives the mirror 面容原谅镜子 The worm forgives the plow 蚯蚓原谅了犁 The question begs the answer 问题寻求答案 Can you forgive me somehow 这样你可以原谅我吗 Maybe when our story's over 可能我们的故事已经结束了 We'll go where it's always spring 我可以带你去四季如春的地方 The band is playing our song again 乐队会一直唱着我们的歌 And all the world is green 我们的世界充满生机 Pretend that you owe me nothing 假装你从未欠我什么 And all the world is green 整个世界充满希望 Pretend we can bring 假装我们可以 back the old days again 重新来过 But all the world is green 这世界是充满希望 The moon is yellow silver 月亮泛着银色的光 On the things that summer brings 闪烁在那个难忘的夏天 It's a love you'd kill for 那是值得付出一切的爱 And all the world is green 这个世界依然充满希望 He's balancing a diamond 月亮泛着钻石般的光 On a blade of grass 在绿色的草叶上 The dew will settle on our grave 而露珠将遗落在我们的坟茔 And all the world is green 这世界充满希望