FU English Episode 12 春节快乐!

FU English Episode 12 春节快乐!

2017-01-26    11'17''

主播: FU的Paul&Emma

215 8

欢迎大家添加微信公众帐号fuenglish,获取更多的图文信息! Fu English episode 12 Jack and Mei Mei This is the story of Jack’s first Chinese New Year. Mei Mei invited Jack to have dinner with her parents. Mei Mei: Jack. This is my mother and this is my father. Jack: ni hao Mother: 哦,你是我们美美的男朋友吗? Jack: yes Mother:美美爸,你觉得杰克怎么样? Father: $%^&&*&^%%$$. Jack: What did he say? Mei Mei: Your Chinese is so bad. Mother: 杰克,你是做什么工作的? Jack: I go to school Mother: 你的薪水是多少? Jack: I have to ask my mother. Father: *&^$$%&*((((&@#@#! Mother: 你没事吧? Father: $#@@@#!!!^&*&** Mother: 美美爸,别把你的枪放在桌子上。 Mei Mei: If dad puts gun on the table, me too . Jack was starting to get nervous with the situation. Too many questions to answers and too many people with guns. But the questions continued. Mother: 你打算什么时候和我们美美结婚呢? Jack: I’m only a boy. Mei Mei help me. Mother: 你们什么时候打算要小孩呢? Jack: How do you have children?!!! I don’t know how!!! I’m only a boy! Jack stood up, run to the toilet and locked the door. Mei Mei went to see what was wrong. Mei Mei: Are you OK Jack? Jack: No, I’m hungry. I want a burger. Will Jack get his burger? Will he ever come out of the toilet and face Mei Mei’s mother? Find out in the next episode of Jack and Mei Mei. Idioms 4 Idiots Idiom: The black sheep of the family 败家子 Meaning: The worst member of the family. Eg: My cousin always gets arrested. He is the black sheep of the family. 我的表兄经常被警察抓,他是个败家子。 My sister is always in trouble. She is the black sheep of the family. 我妹妹总是给家里惹麻烦,她就是个败家子。 Weird news Alien gets stopped by the police for reckless driving . 外星人因为鲁莽驾驶,被警察拦下并扣车。 A man was stopped by the police in a Chinese city for reckless driving. When stopped he claimed to come from the Milky Way and if his car was taken away he would destroy Earth. Milky Way: 银河 Eg: Our planet is in the Milky Way. 我们的星球在银河系中。 The alien claimed to come from the Milky Way. 那个外星人声称自己来自银河系。 Reckless: 鲁莽的;不顾后果的 completely unconcerned about the consequences or results of one's actions. Eg: The alien was stopped for reckless driving. 外星人因鲁莽驾驶被警察拦下。