FU English Episode 14什么是特殊的气球呢?

FU English Episode 14什么是特殊的气球呢?

2017-02-27    10'33''

主播: FU的Paul&Emma

168 11

如果大家喜欢,一定要添加我们的微信公众账号fuenglish Fu English episode 14 Idioms 4 idiots Idiom: Get out of hand 失去控制 难以掌控 Meaning: Get out of control Eg. When I meet my ex-boyfriend things get out of hand. Jack and Mei Mei One day Jack and Mei Mei were bored. Her parents went out and Mei Mei had an idea. Mother: 再见了! Father: BrrrrrrBrrr Jack: I’m bored. Mei Mei: Come with me upstairs. Jack: Where are we going? Mei Mei: To my parents room. Jack: Why? Mei Mei: To search it. Let’s see what we find. They went upstairs to her parents room and started checking every drawer. Mei Mei: Jack! Look! It’s my dad’s gun. Don’t move dog mother born! Haha. I was joking. Jack: It’s not funny. Mei Mei: Look! Daddy’s balloons. They catch children. Jack: Those balloons are weird. Why are they kept? Mei Mei: Look! My parent’s favourite movie. A yellow movie Jack: What? Mei Mei: A yellow movie. Jack: What? Will Mei Mei’s parents get back on time before they watch the movie? Find out in the next episode of Jack and Mei Mei> Porn movie 成人电影 Weird news New York Subway Riders Ditch Pants 纽约地铁乘客们不穿裤子乘车 As it has become custom in the city of New York Subway Riders commuted in full winter clothing except for their pants as part of the annual “No Pants Subway Ride” Vocabulary Annual: once a year 每年的,一年一度的 Eg: The No Pants Subway Ride is an annual tradition. 无裤子乘地铁活动是每年的传统。 Commute: travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis 上下班的路途 Eg: I commute two hours to work everyday. 我每天花两个小时的时间在上班路上。
上一期: FU English Episode 13
下一期: FU English Episode 15