

2016-11-29    03'18''

主播: CEC攻克英语俱乐部联盟

328 10

Thank you Hollywood/ for all those years, teaching me so many things. And also, made me a little bit famous. And thank you, my family, my wife Joan, my son Jaycee /and especially /Jackie Chan Stunt Team. This year/ is the Jackie Chan Stunt Team's /40 year anniversary. And all the friends, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And ladies and gentlemen, and also distinguished guests, Academy of Motion Picture Arts/ and Sciences, thank you, thank you, thank you! I want to thank you... who should I thank you...  I still have some dialogues, I forget what should I say...I just...It's an honor to be here. Oh, wait, wait, last but not least, millions of thanks to my friends, fans around the world, because of you, I have a reason to continue to make movies, jumping out of a window, kicking and punching, breaking my bones. Thank you so much!Thank you, Oscars!Thank you! 感谢好莱坞,这些年来你教会了我太多的东西,同时也让我有了点名气。我要感谢我的家人,我的妻子,我的儿子。我要特别感谢成家班,今天是成家班成立的40周年。还有,所有的朋友我发自心底的感谢你们。 女士们,先生们,各位嘉宾。感谢美国电影艺术与科学学院,谢谢你们。我还想感谢。我应该感谢谁?哦,我忘了。我还有些台词,但我忘了。我接下来还要说什么来着?我不知道!站在这里,我感到十分荣耀。哦哦,等一下等一下。最后,但同样重要的,最最多的感谢给我的朋友们,世界各地的粉丝。你们是我继续拍电影的理由,继续跳窗,拳打脚踢,伤筋动骨。谢谢你们,谢谢奥斯卡。谢谢。 更多新鲜英语资讯,敬请关注微信公众号:国际口译口语 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~