

2016-12-08    01'30''

主播: CEC攻克英语俱乐部联盟

112 10

Part 2:     Many of you are at the beginning/of your professional, public, and political careers. You will have successes and setbacks, too. This loss hurts, but please, never stop believing /that fighting for what's right/ is worth it.      Now, I know /we have still not shattered /that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday, someone will, and hopefully sooner/ than we might think right now.      And to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt/ that you are valuable /and powerful /, deserving of /every chance /and opportunity /in the world /to pursue /and achieve your own dreams. Part2:        你们当中许多人都刚刚开始自己的职业、公共领域或政治生涯。同样地,你们也会遭遇成功和挫折。失败令人心痛,但是请千万不要放弃相信,为正确的事情而奋斗是值得的。        我知道,我们还没有打碎最高和最硬的玻璃天花板(指女性当总统),但终有一天,会有人做到的,希望这一天能比我们期待的更早到来。        对所有正在观看演讲的小女孩们,我想说,永远都不要怀疑自己的价值和力量,你们值得拥有这世界上的每一次机会和机遇,来追逐和实现你们的梦想。 更多新鲜英语资讯,敬请关注微信公众号:国际口译口语 感谢收听,期待你的转发,并对本期节目的评论留言哦~