Day44. #英美口音大不同#慢速朗读

Day44. #英美口音大不同#慢速朗读

2017-03-13    03'02''

主播: CEC攻克英语俱乐部联盟

583 8

*CEC Daily English Broadcast*大学生攻克英语俱乐部联盟- “高校穹鹰荟”-每日“爱练”英语播客】 3/6,Day44: Why Do Americans /and Brits Have Different Accents?                In 1776, whether you were declaring America independent / from the crown/ or swearing your loyalty/ to King George III, your pronunciation would have been much the same. At that time, American and British accents /hadn't yet diverged. What's surprising, though, is that Hollywood costume dramas get it all wrong: The Patriots and the Redcoats /spoke with accents /that were much closer/ to the contemporary American accent/ than to the Queen's English.      It is the standard British accent /that has drastically changed /in the past two centuries, while the typical American accent / has changed/ only subtly.   厌倦了对知识的 “渴求”,         那就试试“为能力而战”吧! 加微信开始学习体验吧  kouyi-kouyu                       参考译文: 1776年,无论是美国人宣布国家独立或英国人宣誓效忠英王乔治三世,人们的发音都大致相同。当时,美国和英国口音尚未分化。然而,令人惊讶的是,好莱坞古装片都搞错了:爱国者美国兵和英国兵(注:美国独立战争时期英国士兵穿红色军上衣)的发音更接近当代美国口音而不是女王时期的标准英语。            在过去的两个世纪,标准的英国口音已发生巨大变化,而典型的美国口音则只有微妙改变。   我正在跟皮皮老师         坚持每天练口语                 选择爱尚 天天向上  口译口语 无与伦比 攻克英语俱乐部---大学生攻克英语口语和人生成功梦工厂!    更多内容请关注微信公众号:国际口译口语 好东西共分享,请把以上内容分享给更多一起学习英语的小伙伴们! 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~