

2016-07-23    08'14''

主播: 英语口语每天学

11.6万 2928

花色(suits) Spades黑桃 hearts红桃 Diamonds方块 Clubs梅花 牌的叫法 Ace King Queen Jack 举例: Ace of Spades 黑桃A two of Hearts 红桃2 ten of Clubs 梅花10 Queen of Diamonds 方块Q 其他词汇 pot n. 赌注 all money that the players bet deal v.发牌 Start by dealing out ten cards to each player. 开始的时候给每个玩家10张牌。 face down/up 牌朝下/上 chip n. 筹码 Before you can play poker in a casino you have to convert your money into chips. 在赌场开始玩扑克之前,你需要先把钱换成筹码。 bluff v. 虚张声势 I think he's just bluffing. poker face n. 面无表情的脸 She managed to keep a poker face. 她设法不露出任何表情。