

2017-02-23    14'20''

主播: 英语口语每天学

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【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,每日获取笨老撕不一样的分享。 【新浪微博】搜索“笨老撕” Part 1 Warm-it-up 热身准备 plain /pleɪn/ adj.朴素的;简单的 I love Japanese seafood because the way they cook is very simple and the food looks so fresh and plain. 我喜欢日本海鲜,因为我觉得他们处理食材的方法很简单,食物看起来很新鲜可口又很简单整洁。 chocolate /ˈtʃɑ:klət/ n.巧克力 He bought a box of dark chocolate as a gift on Valentine’s day for her but she refused to accept. 情人节那天,他给她买了一盒黑巧克力做礼物,但是她却不接受礼物。 a bar of 一块;一条 She likes having a bar of chocolate and a cup of coffee while she is reading a book. 她喜欢边看书边喝咖啡吃巧克力。 sugar n.糖类 Children should not be allowed to eat too much chocolate because sugar will destroy their teeth. 儿童不应该吃太多的巧克力,因为糖类会损害他们的牙齿。 calorie /ˈkæləri/ n.卡路里(热量单位) A fried egg contains about 100 calories. 一个煎蛋大概包含一百卡路里。 fat n.脂肪 She walks for thirty minutes to burn off body fat every night after dinner. 她每天晚饭之后都会散步三十分钟来燃脂。 caffeine /ˈkæfi:n/ n.咖啡因 Don’t take too much coffee and chocolate because there’s caffeine in them. 不要喝太多咖啡和吃太多的巧克力,你会对咖啡因上瘾的。 Part 2 Check-it-out 趁热打铁 To eat or not? 吃还是不吃呢? Simple and plain /pleɪn/ food is often the best but it is not always true. For many of us food is a need. For others, food is a friend. And to some others, food is an enemy /ˈenəmi/ . 简单朴实的食物最好的,但是这个理论偶尔也不对。对于很多人来说,食物是基本需求。但是对于有些人来说,食物是朋友。对其他人来讲,食物是敌人。 Let’s say you’re feeling down. You had a tough day or a fight with a best friend. You decide to treat yourself to a bar of chocolate –nothing like chocolate could cheer you up. 假如你心情不好。一整天过得不开心或者跟朋友吵了一架。你决定奖励自己一块巧克力--没有什么食物更能比巧克力更能使人开心了。 But you’re getting a lot of calories /ˈkæləri/. That’s because chocolate /ˈtʃɑ:klət/ bars have much fat and sugar. They are going to take a long time to get out of your body. And caffeine /ˈkæfi:n/ in the chocolate will make you feel happy and relaxed for a while but it will make you feel bad when you’re getting fat. 但是不幸的是,你将会吸收很多卡路里。那是因为巧克力含有大量的脂肪和糖类。他们会在人体内部停留很长时间。巧克力中的咖啡因会在短时间内使得你感到幸福和放松,但是最后当你开始变胖的时候,你就会感觉比较槽糕。 Part 3 takeaway 词汇小技巧 常见词性的缩略 n. (noun) 名词 book bread adj.(adjective) 形容词 plain long v. (verb) 动词 feel make adv. (adverb) 副词 quickly fast prep. (preposition) 介词 for in