Vol.274 eat away真不是带走吃的意思!

Vol.274 eat away真不是带走吃的意思!

2017-08-28    05'08''

主播: 英语口语每天学

32532 988

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,每日获取笨老撕不一样的分享。 【新浪微博】搜索“笨老撕” eat away at sb 长期困扰(某人);烦扰(某人) to make someone feel more and more unhappy or worried People talk about my glory days but the bad moments still eat away at me. 人们都在议论我的光辉岁月,但那些困境一直以来都困扰着我。 [美]eat crow [英]eat humble pie 认错,道歉 It looks like I was wrong, and I'm going to have to eat crow. 看起来是我错了,我必须得承认错误了。 eat somebody alive 严厉地批评 to criticize someone very angrily If I eat my words, I am going to be eaten alive. 如果我承认错了,我会被喷死。 For here or to go? 带走还是在这吃呢? I'd like a cheeseburger to go. 我想点个芝士汉堡,带走。