最佳婚姻咨询 A devoted counseling

最佳婚姻咨询 A devoted counseling

2017-09-29    08'55''

主播: 为语筹谋

21 0

如您想获得本篇文章的英文文稿、翻译及讲解资料,请添加我的微信公众号“为语筹谋”,输入关键字“婚姻”。在那里,我还会将定期推送些免费的写作指导及口语表达等课程。 英文原稿 A girl might say to the computer, “ Hey, both John and Paul are courting me. I like both of them, but in different ways, and it’s so hard to make up my mind. Given everything you know, what to you advise me to do?” The super computer will answer: Well, I’ve known you from the day you were born. I have read all your emails, recorded all your phone calls, and know your favorite films, your DNA and entire history of your heart. If you want, I can show you second-by-second graphs of your heart rate, blood pressure, and sugar levels whenever you went on a date with John or Paul. If necessary, I can even provide you with an accurate mathematical ranking of every sexual encounter you had with either of them. And naturally, I know them as well as I know you. Based on all this information, on my superb algorithms, and on decades’ worth of statistics about millions of relationships—I advise you to go with John, with an 87 percent probability that you will be more satisfied with him in the long run. Indeed, I know you so well that I also know you don't like this answer. Paul is much more handsome than John, and because you give external appearances too much weight, you secretly wanted me to say ‘Paul’. Looks matter, of course; but not as much as you think. Your biochemic alalgorithm—which evolved tens of thousands of years ago on the African Savannah—give looks a weight of 35 percent in their overall rating of potential mates. My algorithms—which are based on the most up-to-date studies andstatistics—say that looks have only a 14 percent impact on the long-termsuccess of romantic relationships. So, even though I took Paul’s looks into account, I still tell you that you would be better off with John. —— end ——