

2016-02-24    03'16''

主播: 凤梨瓦瓦

809 350

美国的主流杂志编辑多少难以避免受民粹主义的影响,他们会天然站在一切以美国利益最大化的角度去思考和说话,这“半条”新闻只有两句话,但作为一个美国人眼里的歪果仁,我们能清楚的感受到他们的傲慢。 傲慢归傲慢,老美还是承认了中国崛起的既定事实,这个编辑不忿归不忿,但是他的语感是真好,我们可以去糟取精,学习一下 原文: That China has lifted so many out of poverty and become so powerful so quickly is remarkable. No less remarkable is how America, the incumbent superpower, has mostly treated China’s rise less as a threat than an opportunity. 词汇: incumbent |ɪnˈkʌmbənt| [只用于名词前] having an official position 在职的;现任的 the incumbent president 现任总统 ~ upon/on sb (formal) necessary as part of sb's duties 有责任;必须履行 It was incumbent on them to attend. 他们必须出席。