

2022-02-11    05'16''

主播: 维音帝

249 1

Capricorn men rarely show their true feelings and are basically a lonely person. Your life is carried out under the strict control of meticulous spirit, high sense of responsibility and logical mind. Passion is generally aroused by ambition and power desire. You are always working hard and have an impeccable working attitude. You tend to think that what others do is not ideal. You must do it yourself. Time will prove your success. Sometimes you don't miss yourself or others, and your mind is often in a state of uncertainty. You keep a certain distance from women because you doubt the sincerity of their feelings. It's hard to touch your feelings. Only when you really love a woman can deep love burst out, and this kind of love is enduring. Your mood is often melancholy. You smile only when you are close friends or feel trusted. Otherwise, you are always silent and observe quietly. After you get married, your heart will still stay in your career. You are often busy with work and have little free time. But you are very loyal, have a strong sense of responsibility for your relatives, and can trust you. Your relatives should understand you and ignore and beg for your periodic melancholy. The woman whose birth star is in cancer is gentle and elegant. You can understand your character and bring you the warmth and meticulous care you need. Choosing Virgo women as partners helps to build a stable and harmonious family on the basis of mutual respect. Living with Capricorn women, you will share the same interests and have a strong sense of responsibility for your work.