《幸福在哪裡·Where's the happiness》

《幸福在哪裡·Where's the happiness》

2019-02-13    04'56''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

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《幸福在哪里·Where is the happiness》 我们每天都在追求幸福 We seek happiness everyday 却不知道幸福在哪里 but don't know where it is. 其实幸福真的很近 In fact, happiness is just around us, 你只需要把心收回来 if you just take your heart back. 当你能够正常的呼吸新鲜的空气时 When you can breathe fresh air normally, 就是幸福 that's happiness. 当你能体验到适宜的温度时 When you can experience proper temperature, 就是幸福 that's happiness. 当你口渴时尽情的享受水的甘甜 When you are thirsty and enjoy the sweetness of the water, 就是幸福 that's happiness. 当你拖着疲惫的身体回到家躺在床上享受床和被子带给你的舒适 When you come back home after a long day and lie in your bed to enjoy the comfort of the bed and quilt, 就是幸福 that's happiness. 当你肚子饿时享用到美味的食物 When you are hungry and enjoy delicious food, 就是幸福 that's happiness. 当你孤独时身边有亲朋甚至是宠物的陪伴 When you feel lonely and are accompanied by friends and family or even pets, 就是幸福 that's happiness. 当你无聊时坐在家里的一隅看着喜爱的书 When you are bored then you go to read a favorite book in a corner of your house, 就是幸福 that's happiness. 幸福不是用艰辛去换来的 Happiness is not exchanged by hardships 而是当下你能够触及地温柔 but the tenderness you could haveat that time the moment 你可以随时随地拥有它 You could have happiness at any time, anywhere. 但是一旦你抛开眼前的安逸 But once you put your immediate comfort aside, 去追寻一个叫幸福的东西时 to look for something called happiness, 幸福就在此时伤心地离开 Happiness wil sadlyl leave you at this moment. 幸福其实真的很近很近 In fact, happiness is just around us. 却需要你静下来去觉知 You just need to calm down and be aware of it. Enlightened by 嘉样堪布 Khenpo Jamyang 朗讀: Padma 13th. February, 2019