

2015-12-19    05'14''

主播: 淇淇每日唠嗑

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My name is Alice. I’m a fairy! I’m not a permanent fairy. I’m a Temporary fairy. You have to pass a lot of tests to be a permanent fairy. 我叫爱丽丝,我是一个仙女! 我不是一个正式的仙女,我是一个临时的仙女。但是我可以通过很多考试,然后成为一个正式的仙女。 I have wings so I can fly! I can’t fly very high yet, But I can fly really fast! 我有翅膀,所以我可以飞。我不能飞得很高,但是我可以飞得很快! This is my magic wand. 这是我的魔术棒! This is my blanket. 这是我的飞毯! Fairies use magic wands to changes frogs into princes and things like that. 仙女可以用魔术棒把青蛙变成王子和她喜欢的东西。 I changed my dad into a horse. 我却可以用它把爸爸变成马! One time my mom made cookies for my dad. So I turned them into mine. 有一次,妈妈做了饼干给爸爸吃,我可以用魔术棒变成我自己的! I felt bad about the cookies. So I thought I&`&d whip up a new outfit for my dad. 饼干不好吃,所以我快速做了一件衣服给爸爸。 Did I tell you he’s the Duke of Morningside Drive? Well, he is! 我告诉过你了吗,爸爸第二天开车的时候变成了一个莫宁赛伯爵。 Plaid velvet shirt 花格呢天鹅绒衬衫 Golden Sparkly pants 金光闪闪的裤子 Purplish-pinkish shoes 玫瑰色的鞋 But clothes were too hard, so I made him a new crown instead. 但是衣服太难做了,所以我给他做了一顶皇冠。 With my magic wand, I can make leaves fall from trees. 用我的魔棒,我可以让所有的叶子都从树上落下来。 And I can draw pictures on water. 我还能在水面上画画。 Sometimes I use my wand to disappear. But that’s kind of scary. 有时候我用我的魔棒玩消失。但这未免有些让人害怕。 I’d rather use my blanket! 我更喜欢这样用我的毛毯。 Of course, I also have a Magic Mirror. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what’s the fairies of them all?” 当然,我也有魔镜。“魔镜,魔镜,墙上的魔镜,谁是最美的仙女?” “魔镜,魔镜,墙上的魔镜,谁是最美的仙女?” Well, what do you know-it’s me, Alice! Thank you, Mirror! 当然,你肯定知道,就是我,爱丽丝! 谢谢,魔镜! Casting spells is another important part of being a Fairy. Watch me make my dog float on the celing. 练习法术是成为仙女的一个重要步骤。看着我是怎么把狗变得站到天花板上! Howkin, Towkin, Riggin, Fowlkin! Doggin, Gloggin, Biddle, Noggin!! Okey, that needs make practice next time! 好吧,下次再继续练习吧! But, a fairy must be very careful with magic. Once I accidentally turned my white dress into a red one. 但是仙女必须很小心的使用魔法。有一次,我不小心就把我的白色裙子变成了红色的。 That made the Duchess so mad she locked me in the tow forever! 这让伯爵夫人气坏了,她把我永远地关在了塔楼了! I got away, though. 不过,我还是逃出来了。 A fairy’s life is filled with danger. Broccoli is often poisoned by the wicked Duchess and should never be eaten. 仙女的生活充满了危险。西兰花经常会被伯爵夫人下毒,所以是不能吃的。 Fairiesalso hate bathe. I’d like to turn my bathwater into strawberry Jell-O. Thatwould be fun! 仙女也是最讨厌洗澡的。我最喜欢把洗澡水变成草莓果冻。这将是多么有趣的事情啊! But I don’t know how yet. 但是要怎么才能实现呢? You have to be a Permanent fairy to do tricks like that. They go to Advanced Fairy School to learn that. 你必须变成真正的仙女,才能像他们施展这样的魔法。他们去高级仙女学校去深造。 I’m supposed to learn how to make clothes get up off the floor and dance around and line up in the closet. 而我需要学习怎样把衣服从地上捡起来,载歌载舞,把衣服整齐地排列在衣柜里。 I’m not very good at that, though. 尽管我不是非常擅长。 I’ll probably be a Temporary fairy forever. 也许我永远成为不了一个真正的仙女!