Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed〈Babycat亲子英文绘本屋 id:babycatmama〉

Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed〈Babycat亲子英文绘本屋 id:babycatmama〉

2016-01-01    05'33''

主播: 淇淇每日唠嗑

105 3

"It&`&s time for bed,"said mama. So five little monkeys washed their faces, burshed their teeth, and put their pj&`&s on.睡觉时间到了,五只小猴子们洗漱完毕,穿上了他们的睡衣。 They kissed their mama and said,"Good night." But guess what happened then... 小猴子们跟妈妈说过晚安后,乖乖入睡了吗? Five little monkeys jumped on the bed. 没有,它们开始在床上蹦蹦跳 One fell off and bumped her head. The mama called the doctor. 一个小猴子们挨个从床上掉来下,摔着头。妈妈打电话给医生 The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" So four little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. 小猴子们呢,根本听不进劝告,依然快乐的蹦蹦跳。又一个从床上摔下来,摔着了头。 The mama called the doctor. The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 妈妈打电话给医生,医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" So three little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. 只有三只依然快乐的蹦蹦跳。又一个从床上摔下来,摔着了头。 The mama called the doctor. The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 妈妈打电话给医生,医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" So twolittle monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. 只有两只小猴子依然快乐的蹦蹦跳。又一个从床上摔下来,摔着了头。 它们还知道”嘘,别让妈妈听见啦,继续玩它们的“ The mama called the doctor. The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 妈妈打电话给医生,医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" So one little monkeys jumped on the bed. She fell off and bumped her head. 只有两只小猴子依然快乐的蹦蹦跳。又一个从床上摔下来,摔着了头。 The mama called the doctor. The doctor said:"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" 妈妈打电话给医生,医生回复:“不允许再有小猴子在床上跳了!" 后来呢。妈妈和医生都筋疲力尽,小猴子们在每一个都摔伤了之后,才乖乖进入了梦乡....... 别忘记最后一页的大彩蛋,小猴子们都睡着了,妈妈说”thank goodness,now,i can go to bed".念最句这句话的时候,一定要是高兴的。 因为猴子妈妈想,太好了,小家伙们都睡着啦,我也可以去床上蹦蹦跳啦。哈哈。