

2024-02-14    08'36''

主播: 一席英语

471 3

♬主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) ♬ 歌曲 :(开场)You are so Sunshine (结尾)Simple Gifts 过年了,大家免不了要送礼物,送的礼物最好have positive and well wishing connotations(有积极美好的含义),不要送寓意不好的。在国外送礼物同样也要注意,有一些礼物千万不能送。 今天,我们就来聊一聊,在国外送礼物必须要避开的“雷”。 01. 在韩国不能送鞋 It is perceived negatively if you gift shoes. 如果你送的礼物是鞋子,会被认为不吉利。因为在韩国,鞋子代表“出轨”。 Koreans believe that receiving shows as a gift will kill the relationship. 韩国人相信,接受鞋子礼物会破坏他们的感情。 在亲密关系中,收到鞋子的人会“run away”from their significant other(离开另一半)。 02. 在阿根廷不能送钱包 If you are gifting a wallet you need to make sure you are putting some money inside. 要送钱包的话,里面要放上钱。 Gifting an empty wallet is very rude. 送空钱包是很不礼貌的。如果要送钱包的话,至少要在里面放上1美元。 03. 在法国不能送扫把 如果你送别人cleaning appliances(清洁用具)比如说broomsticks or vacuum cleaners(扫把或吸尘器),会让人觉得很奇怪。 因为这样会让人觉得his/her house is dirty,需要打扫。 主播梅莉开玩笑说,如果你送的是a pricy Dyson vacuum(价格昂贵的戴森吸尘器),那就另当别论了,人们不会see it negatively,hahaha~。 04. 在意大利不能送手帕 It is not great to gift handkerchiefs(手帕)。 Because they are used to wipe away tears when you go see your closed ones who have passed away(因为手帕通常是当亲友去世的时候,被用来擦眼泪)。 05. 在英国不能送百合 In England lilies actually represent death. 因为在英国百合象征着死亡。 It has the same connotation as the number 13. 百合和数字13在英国有着同样不好的寓意。 • connotation / ˌkɑːnəˈteɪʃ(ə)n /n.隐含意义 06. 在德国不能送有黑猫或者喜鹊图案的东西 In Germany, it is better to not give gifts that have black cats(黑猫) or magpies(喜鹊). Because they think that these two animals are related to witches and pickpocket(这两种动物分别是女巫和小偷的化身) which brings misfortune(带来不幸)。Witches usually have black cats as their pets (女巫通常会有黑猫作为宠物)。 07. 在印度不能送牛皮制品 In India, it is important to note to not give gifts that are made of leather(牛皮制品). Because cows are holy so it is important to keep this in mind. 印度宗教把牛当做“圣兽”,是绝对不能侵犯的。 08. 在俄罗斯不能送钱 In Russia it is important to not give money as gifts to people. 因为在他们眼里,送钱是a bit awkward and embarrassing(令人尴尬的),因为这代表着施舍和侮辱,带有贬低意味。 所以,有没有可能,俄罗斯人收不到红包 09. 在日本不能送梳子 In Japan you shouldn’t gift combs, for combing hair. 因为在日语里,the pronunciation of the word is the name as the word death(“梳子”和“死亡”同音)。 你还知道哪些不能送的礼物?欢迎大家评论区留言补充。