4月19日,粉丝们期待已久的泰勒的new album(新专辑)正式发行,专辑名为The Tortured Poets Department(《苦难诗社》),跟电影名DeadPoetsSociety(《死亡诗社》)有异曲同工之妙。
整个专辑包含31 completely new songs(31首全新歌曲)。It is a big deal in the US!在美国这可是一个大事件!There were lots of news articles about it as well.(各新闻媒体纷纷报道。)
Onearticle by the Washington Post is titled “Taylor Swift Shows No Mercy”
《华盛顿邮报》发布了一篇文章,题为《泰勒·斯威夫特毫不留情》,内容谈到这张专辑让人感觉dark and relentless(黑暗和无情).
• album /ˈælbəm/ n.唱片,专辑;相册
• mercy /ˈmɜ:rsi/ n.仁慈,宽恕
在专辑发行之前,也有相应的宣传活动(promotional campaign)。在Tik Tok上,if you complete certain tasks(完成了所有的任务),like following her(比如说关注泰勒),you will be able to get a profile picture frame(头像框)。
• profile /ˈproʊfaɪl/(人头部的)侧面(像)
在专辑发行时,Taylor Swift在社交媒体平台上写了一篇简短的诠释。
The Tortured Poets Department. An anthology of new works that reflect events, opinions and sentiments from a fleeting and fatalistic moment in time - one that was both sensational and sorrowful in equal measure.
• anthology /ænˈθɑ:lədʒi/ n.(诗、文、曲、画等的)选集
• sentiment /ˈsentɪmənt/ n.观点,看法,情绪
• fleeting /ˈfli:tɪŋ/ adj.短暂的,飞逝的
• fatalistic /ˌfeɪtəˈlɪstɪk/ adj.宿命论的
This period of the author's life is now over, the chapter closed and boarded up.
• board up用板围住;用栅木板阻断
这里的chapter指的是人生的篇章(a chapter in life)。In English, we use this expression a lot to describe the events and different stages in our life。泰勒说,
过去的阶段已经翻篇,现在要start a new chapter in life(开启人生的新篇章)。
There is nothing to avenge, no scores to settle once wounds have healed.
• heal /hi:l/ v.痊愈,康复;(感情创伤)愈合
• avenge /əˈvendʒ/ v.报复,替……报仇
“Settle the scores” meansto punish someone for something wrong that they did to you in the past (惩罚某人过去对你犯下的的错误).
也许你真的会被身边的人伤得很深,那时候,all you can think about was to avenge(你唯一的想法就是“报复”)。但是就像霉霉所说的,“once your wounds have healed,there’s no need to avenge.” 因为,when you heal your wounds(当你治愈了你的伤口),之后变得stronger and have a better life,那些曾经伤害了你的人won’t matter anymore(就不再重要了)。你需要做的就是,focus on healing yourself first(首先专注于治愈你自己),因为your life matters the most!
And upon further reflection, a good number of them turned out to be self-inflicted.
• wound n.伤口
• self-inflicted adj.自己造成的
This writer is of the firm belief that our tears become holy in the form of ink on a page.
• holy adj.神圣的
Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it.
• be free of摆脱
And then all that's left behind is the tortured poetry.
“my favourite thing about this album is that she made clear the tortured poets department era was over the minute the album dropped because she’s already solidly in the next extremely happy and in love era.”
这位网友说,这张专辑里TA最喜欢的部分就是,在专辑发行的那一刻,泰勒made clear the tortured poets department era was over(痛苦的过去结束了),she’s already solidly in the next extremely happy and in love era(她坚定地进入了非常幸福和美好的未来。)
“I can do it with a broken heart.” “即使心碎,我也能做到。”
“I cry a lot, but I am so productive.It’s an art.”
A lot of fans are relating to this.这种感觉就是,当你break down crying(哭到崩溃的时候),你还要在镜子面前摆个pose,因为你哭的时候也好看,是真实又难过又乐观的感觉。
对于这首歌,有网友就评论说:“This is the cry while dancing song.”(这是边哭边跳舞的歌。