

2019-09-21    10'44''

主播: 一席英语

8816 67

主播:Alan(美国) 翩翩(中国) 歌曲:Cheap Thrills What are we going to talk about? Morning routine! 早起安排! What do you do in the morning? What time do you wake up? Morning toutine就是指早上起来你会做些什么,比如几点起床、几点吃饭之类的早期安排。 1. weekday 工作日 工作日是指 Monday through Friday,从周一到周五 在工作日怎么说? on the weekday 2. early bird 早起的鸟儿 a person who wakes up early 早起的人叫early bird 3. night owl 夜猫子 a person who stays up late 熬夜的人叫night owl 4. set your/ my alarm 定闹钟 What time do you set your alarm to? 你把闹钟定到几点? 那闹钟响怎么说呢? set off go off set your/ my alarm for eg:I set my alarm for 6:00 am. 我把闹钟定到早上6点。 I set my alarm to go off at 8:00 am. 我把闹钟定到早上8点响。 5. hit the snooze button 按贪睡按钮 Pause the alarm for another 5 minutes. 暂停闹钟,让它5分钟之后再响。 有时候sleep another 10 or 15 minutes can make a big difference哦!回笼觉还是很有作用的呢! snooze button 贪睡按钮 6. morning exercises 晨练 常见的晨练运动有哪些? running 跑步 jogging 慢跑 stretching 伸展运动 I usually exercise either after lunch around 1:00 or 12:30, or in the evening after dinner, maybe between 7:00pm and 8:00pm. Alan 老师的运动时间可是很规律的哦,要么午饭后,要么晚饭后。此所谓“饭后走一走,活到九十九”嘛。 either..., or... 要么......,要么...... neither... , nor... 既不......,也不...... between... and... 在......和......之间 Review: early bird 早起的鸟儿 night owl 夜猫子 set your/ my alarm for 定闹钟 hit the snooze button 按贪睡按钮 今日互动留言: 你的闹钟定在几点?你会按贪睡按钮嘛